📚 / Documentation / Tutorials / Writing custom tools


Tools installation are done with a set of Ansible tasks.

Those tasks are located at /workspace/roles/k8s-state/tasks/tools/<tool name>.yml in the klifter Docker image.

Adding custom tools

If you create a folder /workspace/roles/k8s-state/tasks/tools/custom/, every YAML file in that folder will identify a tool named custom/<tool name>.

Sample Tool


- name: "curl : install package"
  become: yes
  shell: apt install -y curl

Sample pipeline


  - custom/curl

Mount as volume

When running your pipeline with the klifter Docker image, you can mount your custom tools folder directly:

$ docker run --rm -it \
      -v $HOME/.kube:/workspace/.kube \
      -v $HOME/klifter/custom-tools:/workspace/roles/k8s-state/tasks/tools/custom \
      -e K8S_STATE_SOURCE_KIND=git \
      -e K8S_STATE_SOURCE_GIT_URL=https://github.com/example/example.git \
      -e K8S_STATE_SOURCE_GIT_REF=main \